Chapter 4: That's some high quality
Before leaving MATLAB Test, check in the overall project code quality by opening up the Code Quality Dashboard. This can be found by navigating to the project Tools menu:
...and selecting Code Quality Dashboard. Before you click it, I suggest "favorite-ing" both the Code Quality Dashboard and the MATLAB Test Manager by clicking the star on the upper right of the icon.
This will open the Quality Dashboard - a side panel on the right of the MATLAB desktop.
Take a moment to look at the dashboard. You can see that there are 4 different cards which highlight different measures of project quality. Most of them aren't giving much information yet, but you might imagine how they might be populated to provide overall quality metrics. First step, click the green run button at the top right of the dashboard to gather your metrics.
Once you click the green run button the dashboard now shows more interesting data. Each of these cards are clickable and brings up their associated reports or tools. Currently:
- The dashboard shows that you have a few code analysis warnings that you can quickly identify and fix.
- You have no test failures which is good, but if you did you could easily dive into debugging them
- Code coverage not only shows statement coverage, but also more advanced coverage metrics such as decision, condition, and mcdc. You can see here that even in cases where statement coverage is 100%, there can still exists uncovered logic, and the advanced coverage metrics help to point this out.
- There are no requirements currently defined, but we can quickly open the requirements editor to address that.
Alright, let's move on and build this ctf!