Productionizing your MATLAB Code
(A PFT Summit Presentation)
This PFT Summit will guide you toward leveraging build, test, and CI tools in order to be dangerous with your MATLAB projects. It will demonstrate how you can leverage the development tools built in MATLAB and enabled via CI/CD platform integrations like GitHub Actions to deliver a professional software project.
The project is using a simple Mass-Spring-Damper example, which is basically just a call to ode45. Don't focus on the actual code and what it does, it is not the point. The point is the organization around the project, how the build and test tools we offer support development of the project, and how these tools enable sophisticated workflows and qualification activities.
For this workflow, you as a new developer to this project have been tasked with taking its flagship algorithm (the simulation engine of the Mass-Spring-Damper system) and deploying it on the companies MATLAB Production Server instance.
Let's go ahead and open the project and get going: